Threat demands adaptation. Strange and wonderful things happen when plants and animals evolve to adapt to the threats presented by their particular situation: spikes, colourful warnings, camouflage, mimicry, decoys, sacrificial limbs, flocking behaviour.
They adapt to their environments changing suddenly or slowly, predictably or unpredictably: Moving, closing, hibernating, storing, hiding.
Failure to adapt, or ill-fated adaptation, can result in extinction.
People adapt to threat – environmental, financial, mythical – and create objects, spaces, environments, buildings that allow them to cope, improve and survive, sometimes even turning the threat into a valuable opportunity.
UNIT SEVEN considered Threat and Adaptation for two very different situations, environments, landscapes and urban settings – London and the UAE.
Kirsty Williams, our 3rd Year student, was nominated for the RIBA President’s Bronze Medal. She received a Commendation and the Serjeant Award for Excellence in Drawing.